LDM calculator
The results may vary depending on a type of cargo. If you would like to obtain precise calculations, do not hesitate to contact our cargo transportation team.
Please choose and submit your known measurements
Important information
The calculator is for recommendation purposes only. For a precise transportation price please contact our managers.
Additional information
With the help of this calculator you can easily convert size of the cargo to cubic meters, loading meters or LDM’s.
Pallet dimensions

Euro pallet (EPAL) dimensions
120×80 cm

Finnish pallet (FIN) dimensions
120×100 cm

Industrial pallet dimensions
120×120 cm

Trailer dimensions
Length 13,6 m, Width 2,45 m, Height 2,65 – 2,7 m.

Articulated vehicle dimensions
Length 15,4 m, Width 2,45 m, Height 2,75-3,1 m.